Friday 6 August 2010

Taking care of sunglasses

Prescription sunglasses that are dirty, scratched or misaligned will not give you the best vision possible and may cause seeing problems. Scratches also can weaken your lenses impact-resistance. What is the best way to look after them? These simple tips show you how.

ray ban
Sunglasses should be well care

  • Always clean them wet, never clean them dry. Use lens cleaner or mild soap and water. Do not use your breath, that does not rinse them.
  • Always use a fiber cleaning cloth or soft cotton cloth to clean them with. Do not use paper products and do not use your shirt.
  • Do not expose your lenses to improper usage, chemicals, excessive pressure or heat (e.g in the sauna or on the dashboard of your car under the sun)
  • When not wearing your glasses, keep them in their case. If you lay them down for a minute or two, don't let the lenses touch anything. Never put your sunglasses down on their lens surface.
  • Put on and remove your sunglasses properly. Use both hands to grip the temples (side pieces) about midway and push gently over your ears. Use the same grip, raise the temples and slide the glasses forward to remove them. Even so, you'll need to have your glasses professionally readjusted periodically.
  • If you have trouble seeing even with clean, aligned glasses, you may need a prescription change or have an eye health problem in need of your optometrist's attention.

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