Thursday 5 May 2011 release a virtual mirror

Ray ban Virtual Mirror

The only problem about shopping online is you don't get to try the items on, but online shopping is getting trend mostly for those is limited in time.

Ray ban is eyewear global leading sunglasses brand, everyone i guess love Ray ban but not all people like in the same model. Maybe the model that you want is not suitable and the worst its fit with your face.

Thus, to overcome this problem, introduce virtual mirror. What is virtual mirror actually? And how does it works? Lets discuss...

Along with launching its online store, proudly announced on 15 July 2011, that they website now is featuring with virtual mirror where you can try on each pair of sunglasses through new 3-D technology.

Virtual mirror was developed by FittingBox, the program is based on the new "augmented reality concept" and can be accessed through any computer with a Webcam. The program then transforms the computer screen into a virtual mirror. (At-work lipstick application just got a whole lot easier!)

Easy to say, you simply just upload you real photo in system and than choose or try one by one Ray ban that you want. Or if you have a webcam, snap you own picture and directly try your desired Ray ban.

The program also allows customers to compare different styles at the same time. Shoppers can then save, print or share options before buying, great for those who need a little help in the decision-making process.

If all online stores adopted this technology, just think of the possibilities! We might never have to deal with bad lighting and unflattering three way mirrors again!

1 comment:

  1. Virtual Mirror Technology, based on Augmented Reality, is an innovative technology that lets buyers visualize fashion products on themselves without actually dressing up.
