Thursday, 28 April 2011

Ray ban Wayfarer colourize kit

date :28/04/2011
written by : Abang Chik Ray ban

Ray ban Wayfarer kit
If you're still unhappy with the variety of Ray ban Wayfarer colors available, now Ray Ban is releasing the "Colorize" kit that includes paint markers and stencils, and a pair of white Ray Ban wayfarers to customize your sunglasses with your very own unique look.The “Colorize” kit, which much like Adicolor, bundles a pair of all white Ray-Ban Wayfarers with some markers that can be used to colorize the sunglasses.

Sincerely i've never seen this "Colourize" kit in any optical shop or Boutique Ray ban in Malaysia. Seriously you'll the most luckiest people if get this kit since it is hard and rare to find and also its price is quick expensive (because come with white Ray ban Wayfarer). Interesting move, unseen in the sunglass market, but just like with Adicolor, the final outcome is in most cases questionable!!!

See how does its works. Do it your self, wear it, feel it,

Price : The authentic Wayfarer "colourize kit" available for $215

Ray ban WayfarerRay ban WayfarerRay ban WayfarerRay ban Wayfarer "RARE" after being colourized.

Ray ban WayfarerAnother design Wayfarer "RARE" after been touch up.

Tags : Ray ban, Ray ban Wayfarer, Wayfarer, Wayfarer Kit, Sunglasses, Sunglasses kit, Sunglasses Wayfarer, Rare Wayfarer, Original Wayfarer, Authentic Wayfarer.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Tips memilih cermin mata

cermin mataPelbagai cermin mata dipasaran boleh dipilih oleh pengguna

Bukan semua orang mempunyai penglihatan yang baik. Masalah seperti rabun bukanlah asing bagi wanita mahupun lelaki. Di mana-mana sahaja, anda boleh melihat mereka mengenakan cermin mata.

Namun, apabila bercakap tentang cermin mata, bukan semua orang berasa gembira untuk memakainya. Mungkin kerana itu, mereka lebih suka memilih kanta lekap untuk melihat dengan lebih jelas.

Terdapat beberapa faktor mengapa sesetengah individu tidak kira lelaki mahupun wanita enggan mengenakan cermin mata. Bagi mereka, memakai cermin mata membuatkan wajah mereka seperti seorang yang skema, naif atau tidak menarik. Anda sendiri tahu, bagaimana cermin mata sering dijadikan ‘efek helah’ untuk ‘menghodohkan’ wajah sesuatu watak dalam sesebuah drama atau filem.

Namun, mereka sewajarnya mengakui bahawa cermin mata sememangnya praktikal untuk digunakan. Bagi mereka yang hanya memerlukan ‘bantuan penglihatan’ ketika membaca atau melihat objek yang amat jauh, cermin mata adalah aksesori yang lebih wajar untuk dimiliki kerana ia boleh ditanggal dan dipakai pada bila-bila masa dikehendaki. Jika menggunakan kanta lekap, adalah leceh untuk menanggal dan memakainya berkali-kali dalam sehari.

Tetapi, bukan itu sahaja masalahnya. Sesetengah orang terutamanya lelaki enggan berkaca mata kerana tidak tahu bingkai cermin mata yang bagaimana sesuai untuk mereka. Membuat keputusan ketika memilih cermin mata di kedai optik sering mengambil masa yang begitu lama. Jika tidak ada rakan yang menemani untuk memberikan pandangan, barangkali anda hanya akan pulang dengan tangan kosong.

Sebagai mana gaya rambut, bentuk kepala memainkan peranan penting dalam menentukan bingkai cermin mata yang sesuai dengan anda. Stailo kali ini memberikan panduan kepada para jejaka untuk memilih cermin mata yang sesuai sekali gus tampil segak dan bergaya.

Kepala bulat

Jika anda merupakan lelaki yang mempunyai bentuk wajah yang bulat seperti Elton John, iaitu rahang yang melengkung, berwajah penuh serta dagu dan pipi yang membulat, anda disaran memilih cermin mata yang boleh menonjolkan kontras. Pilih cermin mata berbentuk segi empat sama atau panjang tetapi berlensa agak besar. Jangan terlalu kecil kerana ia akan membuatkan mata anda nampak kecil. Elakkan memilih bingkai bulat atau lonjong kerana ia akan membulatkan lagi wajah anda.

Gaya rambut penting dalam menentukan bingkai cermin mata, namun, pilihan warna bingkai tidak menjadi masalah kepada lelaki berambut hitam.

Kepala petak

Jika anda memiliki wajah empat segi atau berahang petak, adalah lebih baik untuk anda mengenakan bingkai cermin mata yang bulat atau bujur kerana ia boleh ‘melembutkan’ sedikit bentuk kepala anda.

Kepala bujur

Jika kepala anda bujur atau lonjong, anda sebenarnya bertuah kerana wajah anda boleh menerima apa juga bentuk cermin mata. Anda boleh memilih bingkai bulat dan empat segi. Terbaik untuk anda ialah memilih cermin mata yang berbentuk empat segi tetapi tidak begitu berpetak.

Kepala segi tiga

Jika anda mempunyai kepala berbentuk segi tiga, tip asasnya, ikut seperti kepala berpetak. Pilih cermin mata yang bulat untuk memberi keseimbangan. Lebih bulat lebih baik.

Kepala bentuk hati

Jika anda memiliki bentuk wajah sebegini, bentuk cermin mata yang paling sesuai untuk anda ialah yang bujur. Bingkai yang lebih lembut akan menyimbangkan bentuk wajah anda. Bingkai empat segi yang besar juga boleh dipertimbangkan.

Selain itu, apa yang perlu diberi perhatian apabila hendak memilih cermin mata ialah jangan sesekali memilih cermin mata yang menutupi kening anda. Pastikan kening anda kelihatan walaupun memakai cermin mata bulat atau empat segi yang besar.

Memandangkan kebanyakan kita di Asia berambut hitam, pilihan warna bingkai cermin mata tidak begitu menjadi hal.

Mengenai frame (bingkai) pula, ada sesetengah kita tersepit dalam memilih cermin mata rim penuh atau rim separa atau langsung tidak berim. Tipnya mudah. Lihat berapa kuat kuasa cermin mata anda. Jika lensa cermin mata anda tebal, masakan anda mahu memakai cermin mata yang tidak berim sehingga membuatkan orang boleh melihatnya dan bertanya ‘berapa kuasa cermin mata anda?’

Bagaimanapun, trend hari ini memperlihatkan cermin mata berbentuk maskulin dan tradisional lelaki kembali bangkit. Bingkai horn-rimmed atau jenis aviator dilihat kembali menawan hati para lelaki. Bingkai yang tebal dan besar termasuk pada bahagian temple (bahagian cermin mata yang memanjang di tepi dan menyangkut telinga) menjadi trend tanpa mengira warna.

Cermin mata bingkai plastik agak tebal ala Clark Kent (biasanya berwarna hitam atau coklat) juga meraih perhatian dengan kembalinya gaya retro.

Selain itu kini kebanyakan orang menggunaka frame (bingkai) kaca mata hitam sebagai frame untuk cermin mata mereka. Ini kerana kebanyakan frame kaca mata hitam terutamaya model Ray ban Wayfarer menjadi kegilaan remaja kini disebabkan designya yang tidak ketinggalan zaman!!!

Monday, 25 April 2011

Google hadiahkan Sitelink di Ray ban Malaysia

Pada 23 April (hari sabtu) blog Rayban Malaysia [Komuniti Ray ban di Malaysia], Abang Chik bersyukur kerana Google telah menghadiakan blog ini dengan sitelink.

Sebelum itu apa itu sitelink?

Sitelinks adalah links-links dibawah domain blog atau web yang muncul di hasil carian google,sitelinks ini sebenarnya untuk dihasilkan secara automatik, jika sebuah blog atau web memenuhi algoritma sitelinks yang dikehendaki oleh google. Sitelinks diberikan kepada sebuah blog atau web agar pengguna lebih mudah menavigasi sebuah blog atau web

Bagaimana rupa sitelink ini?

Ray ban Malaysia

Screen shot diatas Abang Chik tunjukan bagaiman rupa bentuk sitelink. Sama seperti Pagerank, site link juga akan diupdate oleh google. Jadi dengan erti kata lain sitelink ini akan berubah atau berpotensi untuk hilang jika web/blog tidak update.

Bagaimana untuk mendapatkan Sitelink ini?

Bukan semua blog "dihadiahkan" sitelink oleh pihak google, dari pengalaman Abang Chik, asas yang penting untuk mendapatkan sitelink ini adalah kandungan blog yang unik. Penggunaan keyword yang betul juga berpotensi mendapatkan sitelink ini disamping trafic blog yang sentiasa flow ke blog tersebut.

Tetapi secara amnya kritirea ini perlu dipenuhi oleh sesebuah blog bagi mendapatkan sitelink.
  1. Domain atau nama blog yang unik
  2. Contens yang unik dan original.
  3. Tagline blog (yang berisi kata kunci yang disasarkan) dan deskripsi blog.
  4. Sitemaps Blog dan daftarkan ke Google (google webmastertool)

Dari pengalaman Abang Chik, sitemap ini diberikan kepada blog yang berusia 1 tahun atau untuk satu keyword utama sahaja. Senang disimpulkan, sitemap akan diberikan kepada blog yang paling popular dengan sesuatu keyword itu berbanding pesaing yang lain.

Tags: Ray ban, Ray ban Malaysia, Sitelink Ray ban, Abang Chik Ray ban, Ray ban Malaysia Abang Chik.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Ray-Ban dan generasinya

Ray banRay-ban untuk kanak-kanak

Sekarang di pasaran terdapat banyak model Ray ban yang di design untuk kanak-kanak. Penjagaan mata untuk kanak-kanak tidak boleh dipandang sebelah mata disebabkan kanak-kanak sebenarnya lebih bayak meluangkan masa bermain di ruang dan lebih banyak terdedah kepada cahaya matahari. Oleh itu penggunaan kaca mata yang mempunyai UV 400 amat penting untuk melindungi mata anak anda. Anda boleh membaca artkel selengkapnya di entry Sunglasses for Kids.

Ray ban

Ray ban untuk perempuan

Ray ban adalah jenama global dan juga sesuai untuk perempuan. Walaupun perempuan lebih gemar memakai kaca mata berbentuk "Oversize" seperti Dior, Fendi, Gucci (seperti kaca mata yang dipakai oleh artis Hollywood seperti Paris Hilton) dan tahukah anda kebanyakan model Ray ban adalah sesuai untuk perempuan. Pastinya si pemakai wanita kelihatan lebih 'Hot' dan lebih bergaya dengan memakai kaca mata Ray ban. Anda boleh membaca artikel selengkapnya di Sungglases for women.

Ray ban

Ray ban untuk lelaki

Tidak dapat dinafikan buat kaki Ray ban Malaysia, jenama Ray ban merupakan kaca mata hitam paling popular di Malaysia bagi kaum lelaki terutamanya. Lelaki dan kaca mata hitam, memang sukar di pisahkan!!! Memakai Ray ban bukan sahaja untuk bergaya, tetapi secara langsung dapat menjaga mata terutama daripada terikan matahari yang mengandungi Ultraviolet yang boleh merosakan sel2 mata. Kebanyakan lelaki memilih untuk memakai Ray ban bagi :-
  • Memakai Ray ban untuk memandu.
  • Memakai Ray ban untuk bergaya.
  • Memakai Ray ban untuk menunggang motosikal.
  • Memakai Ray ban untuk memancing.
  • Memakai Ray ban untuk aktiviti outdoor.
  • Memakai Ray ban untuk bersukan (terutama sukan laut, kayak, laser, dll)
Memakai Ray ban menjadikan anda nampak lebih confident dan macho.

Ray ban untuk warga vateran

Jangan ketawa tengok gambar ini. Kebanyakan warga tua memakai Ray ban bukan untuk bergaya. (dah puas bergaya waktu muda). Tetapi mereka memakai Ray ban bagi melindungi mata dari silauan matahari yang boleh menyebabkan kesakitan mata mereka. Kita dapat lihat sendiri (mungkin datuk dan nenek kita) memakai kaca mata hitam jika mereka ingin keluar keluar, tetapi ada sahaja golongan-golongan veteran ini masih addict dengan Ray ban, maklumla masa muda-muda dulu mereka kaki Ray ban yang sejati=)

Tags: Ray ban, Ray ban Original, Ray ban Malaysia, Kaca Mata Hitam, Kaca Mata, Cermin Mata, Ray ban for women, Ray ban for men, Ray ban perempuan, Ray ban Lelaki, Ultraviolet.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Oakley monster dog polarized for fishing

date : 15 April 2011

Love your eyes go out fishing in style?? Thinking about going out fishing in Malaysia? Yes sun in Malaysia is very warm and fishing at noon can hurt your eyes. Protect your precious eyes. This is a new godly sunglasses from Oakley. This sunglasses model design from Oakley (also available in Oakley Malaysia store) which very suitable for those interested in fishing especially in hot day.

Some information regarding Oakley Monster Dog

If you're serious about fishing, throw away your sunglasses. Chances are you're wearing ordinary polarized shades with yesterdays technology. Sure, they reduce glare, but how well do they actually let you see the fish?

Upgrade your gear with this special edition of MONSTER DOG that comes with the best polarized lenses on water. Oakleys HIGH DEFINITION OPTICS® (HDO®) gives your eyes an accurate view, essential for precise casting.

Hydrophobic lens technology keeps skin oils, sunscreen and water from corrupting vision and to keep fish from getting an unfair advantage, we eliminate the kind of haze and distortion found in ordinary polarized lenses by bonding our filter at the molecular level.

So what waiting for? Buy one this Oakley Monster Dog make you feel more comfortable while fishing and cut off more sun light which may harm your eye. Protect your eyes with Oakley Monster Dog.

You may get this Oakley Monster Dog at this store.

Tags : Oakley, Oakley Malaysia, Oakley Sunglasses, Oakley Store, Monster Dog, Oakley Monster Dog, Oakley Polarized, Oakley for Fishing, Oakley Original, Fishing Sunglass.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Ray ban VS Oakley

Author : Abang Chik
date : 17 April 2011

Ray ban LogoVS

Oakley Logo

Hello to all sunglasses die hard fans.

Here i just wanna discuss from my experience wearing both sunglasses brand that is Ray ban and Oakley. Firstly i guess all of you been hear both of those brand. For this entry just wanna make simple easy guide for those who are in doubt weather to buy Ray ban sunglass or Oakley Sunglass. For the other brands i think no need to be discuss here since not very popular if compared with this 2 brand.

Ok this answer i got from Yahoo Answer. (answer is given due to personal opinion). Read out first.

Oakleys are okay. I think they are mostly used in sports, and i know they make great sports sunglasses. Raybans are great. They are made well, and are pretty cool looking.As far as how long they will last they should last a really long time. My mom has a pair of raybans that she's had since the 80's. Really I think they will both last the same amount of time, depending on how well you take care of them.This summer I bought a pair of D&G sunglasses. They are really good in my opininion. I think they are just as well made as Rayban or Oakley sunglasses. Gucci, from what I know about there other products, they would probably be well made as well.I suggest that you get a pair of Ray ban sunglasses.

It's about individual models more than brands. Both Oakley and Ray-Ban make a range of things, some of which are sturdier, etc., than others. Polarized lenses help negate reflected glare. In sunglasses they're generally angled to neutralize horizontal glare off things like water, sand, snow, roads/cars, grass, etc. Without polarization, sunglasses simply dim the overall light level, but you're still susceptible to "blinding" bright spots from reflected light.

From above opinion, we can conclude a very important point that is "How much we care of them"
Back to history, Ray ban and Oakley were 'Born' in USA. But in 1992, Luxottica( Italian giant sunglass company) was bought Ray ban Brand, thus today Ray ban is not longer US brand but Italy brand. Oakley still belongs to US but have a news says Luxottica in dealing to buy Oakley brand. [just click the link given to know Ray ban History and Oakley History]

In term of designs, Ray ban sunglasses is more to contemporary, classic modern style while mostly Oakley is more towards modern style, but some design such as Oakley Frogskin is classic style. Oakley frogskin and Ray ban Wayfarer if we see phisically both have same design (rectangular shape) but the material to buid may be very. For Ray ban Wayfarer it using acetate material and for Oakley Frogskin using lens like 'Rainbow'. [here about Ray ban Wayfarer]

In term of popularity, in Malaysia Ray ban brand is much more popular, but in USA, Oakley brand maybe much more popular compared to Ray ban. In Malaysia we can see mostly all optical shops like England Optical, Optic88 ect selling more Ray ban sunglasses compare to Oakley.

In term of fuction, we cannot say Oakley is the best, or Ray ban better than Oakley. That idea is wrong. The main function using sunglass to protect eye from harmful UV. Thus, the function of sunglasses 90% depends on its lens while 10% goes to frame, Bridge, Casing, Soft Colth manual care and other accessory provide. Lens of Ray ban usually using G-15, B-20, and Polarized (got more type of lens) and for Oakley mostly them using polarized lens. Beside that lens should be come with 400UV protection or 100% UV protetction. So as long as the lens can protect your eyes that function is good enough!!! [ Here about Polarized Lens and What is UV]

In term of style, it is more to individual mentality.Certain people like to wearing Oakley because of its modern design and polarized lens, but certain people like to wear Ray ban sunglasses because its shape suitable for their faces and classic design. So our advice, dont follow others be your own if your thinking Ray ban is suitable for you choose it and vice versa.

In term of purpose, mostly Oakley design for sport activity such as snowboarding, cycling, fishing, jogging etc. Ray ban more to driving (comes with driving series), for pilot (plane, helicopter operator, ship captain etc)" and corporate image. But both brand Ray ban and Oakley can be use in outdoor activities. That nothing problem for us, although each brand with specific function but for other activities and outdoor activities both brand can be wearing.[Here about Ray ban Aviator]

Tags: Ray ban. Oakley, Sunglasses, Ray ban Malaysia, Oakley Malaysia, Sunglasses in Malaysia, Ray ban vs Oakley, Polarized lens, Ray ban Price, Oakley Price, Ray ban Driving, Sport Oakley, Original Ray ban, Original Oakley.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Wayfarer 2140 Mirror

Ray-Ban Wayferer RB 2140
(Mirror Lens)

New item update in our store, introduce Ray ban Wayfarer 2140 with mirror lens. This model is maintains its contemporary wayfarer design but using mirror lens. The advantage using mirror lens you will HIDE your eyes. Come with 2 different frame colour that is black shinning and black matte. What waiting for? Get one Ray ban Wayfarer with mirror lens now!!!

RM 170

RM 140 !!
Free shipping

Wayfarer 2140 Black Shinning
(Mirror Lens)

wayfarer black shinning mirror

wayfarer black shinning mirror

Model :
Model 2140
Frame : Black Shinning
Lens :Silver Mirror
Size : 50 [] 22 (M)
[Order Code : Wayfarer Black Mirror]
sold out

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Wayfarer 2140 Black Matte
(Mirror Lens)

Wayfarer matte mirror

Wayfarer matte mirror

Model :
Model 2140
Frame : Black Matte
Lens : Silver Mirror
Size : 50 [] 22 (M)
[Order Code : Wayfarer Matte Mirror]
sold out

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Sticky note

Tags : Wayfarer, RB 2140, Ray ban Malaysia, Original Ray ban, Wayfarer for sell, Wayfarer Lens Mirror, Matte Wayfarer, Wayfarer price in Malaysia, Wayfarer Supplier.

Thursday, 7 April 2011

History Wayfarer Rare Prints

date : 08/04/2011

wayfarer rare prints malaysiaWayfarer Rare Prints was transform from Wayfarer 2140

Ray-Ban Wayfarer, RB2140 sunglasses are simply the most recognizable style in sunglasses. The Wayfarer distinct shape is paired with the traditional Ray-Ban signature logo on the sculpted temples.

After its initial design in 1952, the Ray-Ban Wayfarer quickly endeared itself to Hollywood filmmakers, celebrities, musicians and artists, solidifying its iconic status for years to come. The Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses are available in a contemporary color palette allowing the wearer to express their own style and personality through this unmistakable look.

History, along with fresh colorful updates have made the Original Wayfarer sunglasses a symbol of youth, fashion and creativity for over 50 years. Available with a polar lens option, the latest addition to Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses is the limited edition Rare Prints.

These unique prints are inspired by themes that represent the essence of Ray-Ban’s history and style. The Ray-Ban Wayfarer Rare Prints sunglasses are a must have for any collector or enthusiast.

Tags: Wayfarer, Wayfarer Rare Prints, History, Wayfarer Malaysia, Wayfarer Price, Wayfarer Collection, RB2140, Authentic Ray ban, Authentic Wayfarer, Original Ray ban, Price of Ray ban in Malaysia, Sunglasses Wayfarer, Rare Prints.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Wayfarer Rare Prints Kaleidoscope

wayfarer rare print

RM 250
RM 190

Free shipping

The latest addition to Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses is the introduction of the limited edition Rare Prints. These unique prints are inspired by themes that represent the essence of Ray-Ban’s history and style. The Ray-Ban Wayfarer Rare Prints is a must have for any collector or enthusiast.
The limited edition
“Rare Prints” including subway map, kaleidoscope-like florals, comic strip, tie dye, and multi-colored buttons.

Authentic Ray ban

Wayfarer Rare Prints Kaleidoscope


kaleidoscope combine

Model : RB 2140 1018 Special Series
(officially licensed by MTA)
Frame : Black with Flora's Inside
Lens : Dark Green
Size : 50 [] 22
[order code : Rare 06]

Ray ban Warranty Card

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Sticky note

Tags : Rare Prints, Ray ban Rare, Rare Wayfarer, Wayfarer, Original Ray ban, Authentic Wayfarer, Wayfarer Prints, Wayfarer Subway, Wayfarer Cartoon, Ray ban Wayfarer Malaysia, Ray ban Wayfarer Rare Prints, Malaysia Wayfarer For Sell, Price Original Wayfarer, RB 2140, Subway, Cheap Wayfarer, Wayfarer Supplier.

Wayfarer Rare Prints Cartoons

wayfarer rare print

RM 190

Free shipping

The latest addition to Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses is the introduction of the limited edition Rare Prints. These unique prints are inspired by themes that represent the essence of Ray-Ban’s history and style. The Ray-Ban Wayfarer Rare Prints is a must have for any collector or enthusiast.
The limited edition
“Rare Prints” including subway map, kaleidoscope-like florals, comic strip, tie dye, and multi-colored buttons.

Authentic Ray ban

Wayfarer Rare Prints Black Cartoons

cartoon black

wayfarer rare prints

Model : RB 2140 1046 Special Series
(officially licensed by MTA)
Frame : Black with Cartoons Inside
Lens : Dark Green
Size : 50 [] 22
[order code : Rare 04]

sold out

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Wayfarer Rare Prints White Cartoons

wayfarer rare prints

wayfarer rare prints

Model : RB 2140 1048/32 Special Series
(officially licensed by MTA)
Frame : White with Cartoons Inside
Lens : Gradient Silver Mirror
Size : 50 [] 22
[order code : Rare 05]

sold out

Ray ban Warranty Card

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Sticky note

Tags : Rare Prints, Ray ban Rare, Rare Wayfarer, Wayfarer, Original Ray ban, Authentic Wayfarer, Wayfarer Prints, Wayfarer Subway, Wayfarer Cartoon, Ray ban Wayfarer Malaysia, Ray ban Wayfarer Rare Prints, Malaysia Wayfarer For Sell, Price Original Wayfarer, RB 2140, Subway, Cheap Wayfarer, Wayfarer Supplier.

Wayfarer Rare Prints Text

wayfarer rare print

RM 250
RM 190

Free shipping

The latest addition to Ray-Ban Wayfarer sunglasses is the introduction of the limited edition Rare Prints. These unique prints are inspired by themes that represent the essence of Ray-Ban’s history and style. The Ray-Ban Wayfarer Rare Prints is a must have for any collector or enthusiast.
The limited edition
“Rare Prints” including subway map, kaleidoscope-like florals, comic strip, tie dye, and multi-colored buttons.

Authentic Ray ban

Wayfarer Rare Prints Black Ray ban Text Inside

ray ban text black

wayfarer rare prints ray ban text black

Model : RB 2140 1015
(Hand Made in Italy)
Frame : Black with Ray ban Text Black Inside
Lens : Dark Green
Size : 50 [] 22
[order code : Rare 07]

sold out

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Wayfarer Rare Prints Black Ray ban Text Inside

wayfarer rare prints ray ban text red

wayfarer rare prints ray ban text red

Model : RB 2140-A 1016
(Hand Made in Italy)
Frame : Black with Ray ban Text White Inside
Lens : Dark Green
Size : 50 [] 22
[order code : Rare 08]

sold out

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Wayfarer Rare Prints Black Ray ban Text Inside

wayfarer rare prints ray ban text white

wayfarer rare prints ray ban text white

Model : RB 2140-A 1015
(Hand Made in Italy)
Frame : Black with Ray ban Text Red Inside
Lens : Dark Green
Size : 50 [] 22
[order code : Rare 09]

Ray ban Warranty Card

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sticky note

Tags : Rare Prints, Ray ban Rare, Rare Wayfarer, Wayfarer, Original Ray ban, Authentic Wayfarer, Wayfarer Prints, Wayfarer Subway, Wayfarer Cartoon, Ray ban Wayfarer Malaysia, Ray ban Wayfarer Rare Prints, Malaysia Wayfarer For Sell, Price Original Wayfarer, RB 2140, Subway, Cheap Wayfarer, Wayfarer Supplier.